Introducing milli IC GmbH

Your Reliable Partner for High-Frequency ASIC Design

In response to the growing demand for high-frequency ASIC designs, we are excited to announce the launch of milli IC GmbH. Our focus is on providing high-frequency ASIC solutions tailored to the specific needs of the industrial market.

The inspiration for founding milli IC stemmed from recognizing a significant gap in the market and a strong need for the specialized knowledge and expertise we had acquired in academic and industrial settings. In the recent years, many small and medium-sized companies offering RF, microwave and millimeter-wave ASIC design services were acquired by larger players, creating a vacuum, particularly in the non-automotive sectors where the demand for high-frequency ASIC chips remains strong. Our true inspiration came from a desire to leverage our academic and industrial experiences to offer innovative solutions and meet the evolving needs of the industrial high-frequency ASIC chip market.

Our founding team of three professionals brings a wealth of knowledge from both academic and industrial backgrounds, uniting with a common goal: to leverage our expertise to deliver high-quality, innovative solutions. VEGA is involved as an important partner and, as a successful measurement technology manufacturer for level and pressure, not only contributes a great deal of expertise in this field, but also specific areas of application for the microchips.

We are committed to create bespoke solutions that meet specific requirements, helping our clients achieve their goals and drive progress in their respective fields.

Follow milli IC GmbH on LinkedIn to learn more about how we are advancing the field of high-frequency ASIC design. 

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