About milli IC GmbH

Custom ASIC design at 3 to 300 GHz

milli IC GmbH was founded by a technical team from the Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and VEGA. We combine a state of the art academic background and hands-on industrial experience in high frequency circuit design. Our activities focus on the frequency range between 3 to 300 GHz, for which we provide ASIC design service and realize our own product vision.

We offer RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave ASIC design solutions, such as radar transceiver chips, satellite communication transceivers (SATCOM) chips, and specialized component chips like LNA, PA, VCO, Frequency Multiplier/Divider and Mixer. Rely on us for precise and expert solutions to meet your advanced frequency design needs.

Our team

Who we are...

Dr.-Ing. Esref Turkmen

Managing Director & Development 

Esref Turkmen, a Ph.D. graduate from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is a specialist in the design of radar transceiver chips. With six years of hands-on industry experience, he has spearheaded 120-GHz and 240-GHz radar transceiver chip projects. His portfolio of publications and industry achievements highlights his expertise.

Alexander Haag

Managing Director & Development

Alexander Haag studied electrical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and specialized in radio-frequency engineering. His Ph.D. was carried out at the Institute of Radio-Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) on high frequency circuit design. He investigated silicon-based power amplifiers and their design methods for the frequency range of 20 to 80 GHz.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy

Technical Advisor

Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy is a professor for integrated high-speed circuits and the director of the institute of RF engineering and electronics at KIT. Before coming to KIT, he was a professor at Michigan State University, and has worked as group leader and senior scientist at IHP Microelectronics and Georgia Institute of Technology, respectively. Prof. Ulusoy has been active in the field of high-frequency integrated circuits since 2008, and has managed numerous research and industrial projects, and published over 150 papers in this field.

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